The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children as "individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence." Examples of children who would fall under this definition are:
- Children and youth living in motels, hotels, or camp grounds or similar location due to lack of alternative accommodations.
- Children and youth sharing housing due to loss of housing due to economic hardship or a similar reason.
- Children and youth living in a shelter
- Children and youth living in carts, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings,bur or train stations, substandard housing (no water, heat, electricity, etc.).
Parent Information
Student Housing Questionaire
The McKinney-Vento Act requires a school district to enroll homeless children and youth immediately. The lack of normal required documents, such as immunization records or proof of residency will not be a road block to enrolling.
Dispute Resolution
Child Find: Finding children who need special education and related services.
Need College help for homeless students?
There's help available. For help, click below for those experiencing homelessness and get the information and assistance needed to complete a college education successfully.
For more information go to:
Student Rights:
Pateros School District's Homeless Youth Liaison:
Dona Slater
Phone: 509-923-2343 ext. 2