Pateros School District

Algebra 1
Thursday, Apr 23, 2020


Each week, we will cover ONE topic/section in Algebra. I will post a link to a video lesson on that topic and that link will be ready for you to watch on Monday morning. 

You will then choose ONE assignment to complete for this week, of the three available for download below. Once you complete that one assignment and send it to me to be recorded, you will have met your requirement for the week and will be done until the following week.


This week, your topic is: REVIEW AND CHAPTER 9 TEST

Your assignment for the week is: pg 404 14-17, 21-24, 28, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 42, 46, 50    This assignment does NOT need to be submitted for a grade. Your only assigned task for the week is your chapter test.

Your test is available to download (below) and it is due by Friday May 1. You may use your notes on this test.


Upload Homework / Assignment

Accepted File Types: notebook,doc,docx,pub,epub,xls,xlsx,csv,zip,rar,ppt,pptx,txt,pdf,xbk,ppsx, jpg,gif,png,bmp,jpeg

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