At last this long nightmare of a spring is coming to an end! I'm so sorry for how your year ended up - no one could have predicted it, nor would anyone have chosen it for themselves. And yet, here we are.
This week, your only assignment is to complete Quiz 3.3.3, Acids and Bases. Bummer - we would have had a fun activity with acids (I know that sounds strange, but I would have surprised you a bit). Maybe another time.
Once you have completed the quiz, that's it for grades and your assignments for the year! Next week is time for you to complete any makeup work that you have already done and just need to submit or work that you still want to complete online.
For any of you who have not been able to keep up with your assigned work this spring, never fear - you will not fail! You will simply receive an 'incomplete' grade, and you will be able to go back and complete that work next fall when/if we are back in school. If you can still work this week and next, do as much as you can. If not, you still have next fall. Either way, it's all going to work out.
Be well, be safe - hope to see you in September-
TRob out!
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