Pateros School District

Monday, May 25, 2020

And just like that, it's finals week! We'll go over all of this on Tuesday in class (11:30) but here's the basics:

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - each day I will email out to you all that day's portion of the final. I will expect that you take about an hour (more or less, but not too much more, ok?) to complete each part. Remember that there are 13 questions total, but 9 and 10 will be omitted, leaving you with just 11 questions.

Each day you will send me your scanned responses, fully worked out, justified, work shown, etc., ALONG WITH:

1. A scan of the ONE PAGE of notes you may use for the entire final. That is, one page, front side, 8.5 inches by 11 inches, hand-written notes for the whole test. Not one new page per day. Just one page for the whole week.

2. A scan of that day's filled out proctor and test security form that I have posted here and will email out to you each day as well.

I hate to sound hard on this - just do the right thing, show me YOUR best work (not the collective best work of the group). Each day I will grade the portion you send me (via email, or on this page, through the assignment submission link below) and will send you comments.

I will collect books, calculators, and your hard copies of the final exam Monday June 1 at school. We'll talk. Good luck - you got this!!


Upload Homework / Assignment

Accepted File Types: notebook,doc,docx,pub,epub,xls,xlsx,csv,zip,rar,ppt,pptx,txt,pdf,xbk,ppsx, jpg,gif,png,bmp,jpeg

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