Pateros School District

Algebra 1
Sunday, Jun 07, 2020


Here is a review assignment that you may use to prepare for your test this week. But it is NOT required - just something you can do to practice a little bit. 

Review: pg 457 7-10, 13-16, 41-44, 49-52

From there, your test is below. Complete it and send it back to me by Friday and you will be DONE!! Next week will be time to submit any makeup work you have or are still able to complete.


Couple of items to note: 

1. Be on the lookout for information (email probably) from Dona or Mr. Hull about turning in your Chromebooks AND your textbooks (such as your math book). Those will need to be collected before you can check out this spring.

2. For those of you who have not been able to keep up with the assigned work this spring, all is not lost. You will simply receive an incomplete until fall when you will get to finish that work you missed this spring. 


Be well, stay strong, and maybe, just maybe I'll see you in September-

TRob out!


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